Worship With Us

How to join Christ the King for worship

We meet for worship every Sunday morning at 9:00am. You are welcome to join us in person or online.

Weekly Schedule
Worship ServiceSundays at 9:00am
Bible StudySundays at 10:00am
Christmas and Advent Services
Mid-Week ServiceWednesdays at 6:30pm
Christmas EveDecember 24th at 6:30pm
Christmas MorningDecember 25th at 9:00am
Lent and Easter Services
Mid-Week ServiceWednesdays at 6:30pm
Maundy Thursday & Good FridayThursday and Friday at 6:30pm
Easter MorningSunday at 9:00am

In Person Worship

We are currently meeting in the Wyoming Room inside the Bomber Mountain Civic Center in Buffalo, Wyoming. The closest entrance is off Adams Avenue near the northeast corner of the building.

Getting to the Building

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Finding the Wyoming Room

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  1. When you approach the building, you will enter through a set of doors beneath a "Public School" entrance sign.
  2. Head straight forward up the ramp (beside the 3 steps) and through the single doorframe at the end of the ramp.
  3. Our door is to the left after you pass through the doorframe. Look for our hanging quilt/banner:
    Picture of the hanging quilt/banner with an arrow pointing to the door

Online/Remote Worship

We livestream our services on YouTube. You can watch them here: https://www.youtube.com/@CTKWyoming-f7n

We also have families gathering together in Thermopolis and Sheridan to participate in worship together while watching our livestream. If you would like to join them in person, please contact Pastor Schurman for more information.