Welcome to Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church!

We gather to praise and worship our great Savior, Christ Jesus every Sunday morning at 9:00am.

You can join us in person in the Bomber Mountain Civic Center (located in Buffalo, Wyoming) or tune in to our live stream on YouTube.

Get to Know Us

Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church

Worship With Us

Serving Buffalo and other small towns in Wyoming

We are currently meeting every Sunday morning at 9am in the Wyoming Room inside the Bomber Mountain Civic Center in downtown Buffalo, Wyoming. We also have satellite gatherings in Thermopolis and Sheridan.

Directions and worship times

About Us

Sharing the good news of free salvation in Christ

We are known for reaching out to hurting people and bringing the soothing balm of the Gospel. We are a member of the WELS, a theologically conservative church body that exists to give all glory to God by upholding, defending, and proclaiming the truth of the Holy Scriptures

Learn more about us

Our Pastor

Fred Schurman

Fred Schurman, a Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary graduate, serves as the Pastor for Christ the King Lutheran Church. He’s known for his strong theology, hands-on approach, and love of the outdoors and fixing things.

Read Fred's Biography

Service Livestream

Watch Our Services

For those who are unable to worship with us in person, we stream our services live on YouTube every Sunday morning at 9:00am.

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Recent Sermons

This is what we preach

Both the Law and the Gospel Show God's Glory, So what is the Difference?

Scripture Verses
  • 2 Corinthians 3:6-18

While the law brings condemnation and death, the gospel brings the Spirit and righteousness with a far greater glory. The Bible shows us that the law's glory was temporary, but the gospel's glory is everlasting and transformative. Where the law hardens hearts and places a veil between people and God, the gospel removes that veil, bringing freedom and transforming believers into the image of Christ with ever-increasing glory.

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How Do We Glorify God to Those Who Treat Us Badly and Those Who Treat Us Well?

Scripture Verses
  • Romans 12:14-21

The Bible teaches us to bless those who persecute us and not repay evil with evil, showing God's love even to our enemies. We glorify God by rejoicing with those who rejoice and mourning with those who mourn, living in harmony with all people regardless of their position. Rather than seeking revenge, we overcome evil with good, trusting that God will handle justice while we focus on showing His love to everyone.

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You Are Blessed to Know Your Blessings

Scripture Verses
  • Luke 6:17-26

Though we come to God as spiritual beggars, He has made us rich with the kingdom of God. The Bible teaches us that even when we hunger and weep in this world, God promises satisfaction and joy to those who trust in Him. Despite the world's hatred and rejection of believers, we can rejoice because our reward in heaven is great, and God's eternal embrace awaits us.

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How to Get People Into the Lord's Livewell

Scripture Verses
  • Luke 5:1-11

Jesus demonstrated His power by filling the disciples' nets with fish after they had caught nothing all night, showing that when we follow His instructions, miraculous things happen. Peter recognized his sinfulness in the presence of Jesus' power, yet Jesus called him to a greater purpose. The Bible teaches us that just as Jesus transformed fishermen into fishers of people, He empowers us to bring others to Him when we follow His guidance and trust in His power.

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Be Comforted That Jesus' First Miracle Provided for a Family

Scripture Verses
  • John 2:1-11

In the account of Jesus turning water into wine, we see that He blesses us even when we don't know what to ask for, and He often blesses us abundantly. Take comfort in knowing that Jesus cares about your needs and desires to bless you and those around you, even in areas of Christian freedom.

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